John Smeaton: The BBC tribute
John Smeaton: The BBC tribute
In a day and age when we are confronted with a scourge of global terrorism, we must make some difficult decisions. Will we cower before the enemy, or will we stand and fight?
This video celebrates an average person, not unlike you or I, who chose the latter, and has been hailed a hero by many.
John Smeaton, of Glasgow, a baggage handler, by occupation, and a very modest man, is the subject of this BBC video.
When suddenly faced with the choice, to become a part of the solution, or to stand idly by, and to do nothing, this man chose to get involved, and for that, we hail him a hero.
Just ask yourselves for a moment, what would happen if we all chose, as John did, to get involved, to put aside our own self interest, and to fight against this modern day plague called "terrorism" ??
I, for one, salute Mr. Smeaton, for his valiant stand, and I would hope that, placed in a similar situation, I would choose, as he did, without hesitation, to get involved, to fight against this evil, and to become a part of the solution, instead of a part of the problem.
In a day when evil masquerades as good, and good is judged to be evil, we need more men (and women), like John Smeaton, to take a stand against this evil, to choose to fight, to say, "We're not going to allow this evil to go on any longer" !! It is then that we, just might, see things begin to turn around.
Terrorism breeds fear, that is what it is intended, by it's perpetrators, to do !!
Fear makes us vulnerable and weak, but we can choose not to let fear control us. We can control our fears. We must, if we are to win over these monsters. They want us immobilized by fear. We must not let our fear prevent us from becoming involved. We must overcome fear, if we are to win, and win we must !!
Please watch the video, and ask yourself, "What would I have done in his situation" ??
There is a truth that the terrorists don't want us to realize, and that is, good is stronger than evil, and right does make might !!
Let the actions of John Smeaton, and two other brave individuals at the Glasgow airport bombing, (a cabbie, and another man returning home from holiday), challenge us all to greatness !!
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